Moving is stressful, no matter how well-prepared you may be. Here, we’ll explore some helpful ways to relax as you make the relocation trip from your old home to your new house or apartment.
Remember, it’s normal to have emotions.
If you’re someone who is used to toughing it out or burying challenging emotions, it’s normal to try to talk yourself out of feeling stressed or homesick during your move. Naming and processing your feelings is the only way to move forward through them. When driving or waiting for your flight, don’t try to bury your emotions or distract yourself. Noticing how you’re feeling — sad, mad, anxious, lonely, or even excited — is the first step in processing emotion and moving forward in both your emotional and physical journeys to your new home.
Chat with a friend.
Whether taking a break from driving or waiting for your next flight to board, taking time to check in with friends can go a long way in lowering your stress levels. So choose your travel-time confidantes carefully: you’ll want to chat with friends who can help you stay calm and reassure you that everything is going to be ok as you arrive at your new home. If you can, Facetime your friend instead of just chatting on the phone. Seeing a friend’s face can be comforting. In addition, it might reassure you that no matter how far away you’re moving, modern technology makes it simple to stay connected to those you love.
Take your time.
Unless it’s necessary, there’s no reason to get to your destination as fast as possible. If you’re driving through an area you’ve never experienced before, take some time in advance of your travels to discover some fun places to stop along the way. Roadside attractions, unique national landmarks, and exciting restaurants can all help make your drive from point A to point B more exciting. It’s easier to enjoy the journey when you have little things to look forward to along the way.
De-stress with a meditation app.
When you’re settled in your hotel room for the night, use a meditation app and listen to a guided meditation. You don’t need to spend much time calming your mind — as little as ten minutes can do the trick. Use meditation to relax before you turn in for the night.
Move your body.
Whenever you get a chance, spend ten to fifteen minutes moving your body. You don’t need to find gyms or hiking trails to hit along the way. Instead, simply walking around a store or taking a few minutes to stretch after you get gas can go a long way in keeping you mentally and emotionally sharp as you travel to your new home.
Successful Travel to Your New Home
It’s not always easy to move — and we’re here to make the process as stress-free as possible. Contact us today. Learn how we can help simplify your move.