Graph paper with Moving Checklist written in marker and two markers resting on top.

Relocating: A Checklist for Moving to a New House

Buying a home is a thrilling adventure, but it most likely doesn’t come without some challenges.

There’s a lot you need to do to prepare during the moving process: packing up, transferring school records, determining which things to bring and which to leave behind, and handling the utility activation — just to name a few. Unfortunately, it might seem impossible to track everything that has to get done.

The best way to be successful is to stay organized from beginning to end. Resist the urge to procrastinate, and your moving experience will be a smooth one.

Creating a moving checklist is your best bet to completing your move stress-free. Here are a few things to include on your list.

As soon as you know you will be moving, it’s time to get started.

8 Weeks Before the Move

Get Moving Quotes

Research a few moving companies. Obtain quotes from at least three professional movers before selecting one.

Donate, Sell, Discard

Go room to room and make piles of what you will discard, donate, or possibly sell. This is your opportunity to get rid of as much stuff as you can. It will save you time and money on the front end and ultimately help maintain order at your brand new place.

Create a Moving Binder

Keep track of moving expenses, quotes, inventory lists, and other paperwork by creating a binder dedicated to your upcoming household move.

Order Supplies

Start collecting all of your moving supplies like boxes, packing paper, and packing tape. Create a designated spot to know where everything is when you begin packing.

6 Weeks Before the Move

Start Packing

Start packing non-essential items first, like seasonal items and clothing, artwork, sporting goods, and other things you won’t use leading up to your relocation.

Select Your Moving Company

Determine which moving company meets your needs best. Then, confirm the dates and prices with a contract.

Prepare an Inventory List

Make a room-by-room inventory list to help you keep track of all the items you’re moving. In addition, an inventory list might help you ensure nothing gets lost during the moving process. 

3 Weeks Before the Move

Notify Utility Companies

Start the process of closing the utility services at your current home and setting up utilities for your new house.

Make Arrangement for Pets and Children

Schedule help to watch your pets and children during moving day. It’s easier and safer when children and four legend fur-friends are secure and safe with a sitter or at a friend or neighbors house.

1 Week Before the Move

Assemble an Essentials Box

Put together an essential box of items you’ll need your first night. Include things like toiletries, medications, a change of clothes, toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, and charging cords.

Complete Your Packing

Set aside the clothes and other things you’ll need for the coming week. Put everything else into boxes.

Begin Unloading and Defrosting Fridge and Freezer

Make sure you start eating things out of your refrigerator well before your last day in your old home. Also, make sure you allow at least a total of 24 hours to defrost your freezer before you load it onto a moving truck.

The Day Before the Move

Reconfirm Details

Confirm with anyone who might be helping out the next day, including movers, pets, and babysitters.

Complete the Packing

Make sure your belongings are completely packed and ready for when the movers arrive the next day. This will save you hassle and money in the long run.

Moving Day

Clear Paths

Make sure that all pathways leading up to the house are clear. Remove anything blocking the sidewalks and driveway.

Confirm Inventory

Sign the inventory checklist before your movers leave. Then, be sure to keep a copy for yourself.

Keep On-Track for a Smooth Move

The moving process is challenging, but you can minimize the stress if you start early. A moving checklist will assist you in keeping organized and ahead of the game.

Hiring professional movers is the best way to make your move smooth. Contact us today for a free quote!