Are you getting ready to move this summer?
A summer move gives you a fresh start during one of the most exciting seasons.
However, summer moves bring with them a variety of obstacles due to the heat and extreme weather. This article will highlight five tips on preparing for a summer move.
1) Beat the Heat
Moving during any season can be difficult, but moving during the summer puts you at risk for heat stroke.
Hydration is critical when considering a summer move. On the days leading up to the move, make sure you and your family are drinking plenty of water.
On the day of the move, prepare a cooler of water and sports drinks that you can chug throughout the day. It’s best to avoid alcoholic beverages or drinks high in caffeine as these cause dehydration.
The last thing you want is someone in your family passing out from heat exhaustion. You’ll want all hands on deck for your move.
If you’re hiring professional movers, consider their needs and have bottles of water handy for them as well.
2) Wear Sunscreen
Moving in the summer will require multiple trips to and from your truck to your old and new place. This will mean spending hours under the sun, and you never want to do this unprotected.
Nothing will ruin your move faster than a bad sunburn.
Don’t let the sun beat you and instead apply sunscreen routinely throughout the day. Remember to apply sunscreen thirty minutes before sun exposure, so it has time to absorb into your skin.
3) Hire Professional Movers
Hiring professional movers takes a lot of stress out of your summer move.
Professional movers will put your mind at ease and take care of the entire move for you.
With movers, you won’t have to worry about spending all day out in the heat. You also won’t have to worry about throwing your back out moving heavy furniture.
Professional movers are trained to get your move done as quickly and efficiently as possible. You will save a lot of time hiring movers, which makes it worth the cost.
4) Get Pest Control at Your New House
If you move into a new place during the summer months, you’ll want to get rid of bugs and any other uninvited guests by enlisting the help of pest control.
Bugs are especially prevalent during the summer, so you want to deter them as soon as possible.
You don’t want to move into a new home and immediately battle pests.
Follow These Tips for an Easy Summer Move
Follow these suggestions, and your move should run smoothly.
Remember to stay hydrated and well protected from the sun this summer. If you’re worried about moving yourself, then hire professional movers to take the stress off your shoulders instantly.
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