Winter vs. Summer – What’s the Best Season for a Move?

When you decide to move, you have a lot of decisions to make, but the biggest question might be — when? Should you schedule your residential move in the summer when the weather is nice or pick a date in the winter when things cool down? Below is a look at winter vs. summer when it comes to moving to help you decide.

How many people move in the summer?

People tend to move more in the warmer months, specifically in the summer. For example, in 2020, more people moved during summer than later in the year when the weather was cooler. For example, 8.93 million people moved between March through October.

Pros of a Summer Move

A summer move brings along quite a few perks, which is why so many people choose to tackle a relocation project during this season. Some perks of a summer move include:

  • Fairer weather in most parts of the country
  • Kids are out of school; parents often take vacations
  • No significant concerns about keeping pets warm
  • Good time to host a garage sale
  • Longer afternoons with more sunlight to work with

Cons of a Summer Move

Moving in the summer does have a few downfalls, such as:

  • Summer heat can be a health risk and a physical challenge
  • Keeping things cool during the transition can be problematic
  • Moving companies can be a little busier, so costs might be a little higher

How many people move in the winter?

As noted above, more people tend to move in the summer than winter. There are a few factors that prove this point to be true. First, even though actual numbers are harder to pin down, most moving companies consider winter their slower season.

Pros of a Winter Move

Even though fewer people pick winter for moving, there are a few perks that come along with moving when the weather is cooler, such as:

  • No worries about pets or belongings overheating
  • No significant concerns about overheating with physical exertion
  • Easier to schedule a professional moving company
  • It may be less expensive

Cons of a Winter Move

The downfalls of a winter move come along with dealing with the cold and weather. Some major downfalls of moving in the winter include:

  • Risks of inclement weather are greater
  • Several holidays happen during the winter
  • It can be costly to keep the homes heated while moving
  • Snow and ice can be a significant challenge while moving

Summer vs. Winter Moving – Which is better?

Whether you choose to move in the summer or winter is a matter of preference. Some people prefer to move during the summer because of the mild weather, while others appreciate the flexibility and lower costs of moving during the winter. For instance, a summer move may be preferable if you live in Maine, the third-coldest state with 80 inches of snowfall.

Summer or Winter, We Can Help Get You Moved

No matter what season you choose for your relocation, our team can help get you packed up and in your new home. Contact one of our representatives to get a free moving quote.


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