To-Do’s When Moving: Preparing for the Day Before Your Move

Happy young couple unpacking or packing boxes and moving into a new home.

Studies have found that sleep and anxiety have a close-knit relationship. When you’re anxious, you don’t sleep well, and when you don’t sleep well, you’re anxious.

The night before you move, your mind may be filled with last-minute tasks you didn’t complete or potential worst-case scenarios.

Making and completing a “things to do when moving” checklist can help you rest easier so that you’re running high on energy and low on anxiety on moving day!

Read on for the checklist items to complete the night before your move.

Unplug Appliances

Make sure to unplug your electronic appliances 24 hours before the movers arrive. This helps to ensure they are at room temperature when the movers arrive. These appliances include refrigerators, home computers, stereos, and AV equipment.

Touch Base With Your Moving Company

Put in a call to your moving company to confirm the details of the move. Reiterate their arrival time and confirm they have all of your contact information, including the right address. A good moving company is always prepared, but getting in touch the night before will bring you peace of mind. 

Pack Your Essentials

When you’re packing all of your belongings, there are several items you’ll need to leave out due to necessity. These include things like shower curtains, utensils, a few dishes, bedding, and toiletries. Now is the time to pack the last of your things.

Make sure to mark these final boxes, “Open right away,” so that they’re easy to find when you reach your destination!

Pack Your Car

Your essentials items, as well as things that don’t pack well into boxes, should go in your car. Things like houseplants,  bottles of soap that are open, and a cooler of chilled food items do best in the car, not in the moving van. 

Also, don’t forget to pack energy snacks, bottled water, and any other refreshments for your drive!

Clear a Spot for the Truck

Finally, make sure that your movers have a place to park the truck. Ideally, this location will be as close to your home as possible. You may even want to move your own car to, allow the movers the opportunity to back in near the garage or front door. 

If your neighbors tend to park in front of your house, speak to them in advance about temporarily parking somewhere else. If your movers are coming bright and early, you may not be able to contact them in the morning about relocating their car.

Things to Do When Moving

The to-do list when moving feels overwhelming at first, but it’s helpful to remain calm.

The best way to stay calm? Hire a moving company you can trust! Contact MEYER Household Moving to discuss all of your moving needs.

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