Moving Soon? How to Clean a Room With Pet Allergens

Cleaning a room after pets have lived in it can be tricky. Sometimes you or your family have pet allergies that make it harder.

The trick is to get all the things you can see, as well as the allergens you can’t. With these tips, you’ll know the best ways to clean up after pets and avoid triggering a reaction.

Know What to Look For

When people think about what pets leave behind, they tend to focus on the things they can see. Pet hair is the most obvious one.

The problem is that most pet allergies include pet dander, which is harder to see. Pet dander involves skin cells, saliva, and urine.

Removing pet hair is an easy step, but it won’t be sufficient. You should plan to sweep, mop, wash and replace if necessary.

Vacuum Thoroughly

Vacuuming is a great way to remove pet hair, nail trimmings, and more. If you buy a HEPA filter for your vacuum, you’ll be able to pull more out.

Start by vacuuming every surface possible, including the ceiling. Wear protective eyewear and a dust mask because you might stir up a lot of dust in the process.

Vacuuming is wise, even if you’re going to follow up by wiping down hard surfaces. The suction pulls pet dander and hair off the surface, so you’re less likely to spread it around.

Consider Removing Soft Flooring

Unfortunately, it’s hard to remove pet dander from the carpet. Many people with severe pet allergies end up switching to hardwood, tile, or vinyl.

If you’re moving in, it’s worth asking about a flooring allowance. That way, you can replace it before you unpack. It’s much easier to do this while the house is empty.

If you’re moving out, mention to the new occupants that you have pets. They may want to remove the carpet.

Clean Surfaces

Every hard surface needs a good cleaning. Vacuuming gets most of it, but not all.

You don’t have to buy cleaning products specifically for pets unless you’re trying to remove odors as well. For severe allergies, consider using disposable towels instead of washcloths. That way, you’re throwing away the dander more than moving it.

Some paint finishes will tolerate a light wiping — in case you need to clean the walls. If you’re not sure, test it in a non-obvious spot first.

Replace Furnace Filters

A home with central heating and air conditioning pulls air through a filter and down the ductwork. That filter gets dirty and needs replacement.

Filters with a “MERV” rating of 10 or higher work well to remove pet dander. You’ll still need to change the filter regularly.

If you still have problems despite cleaning, check the ductwork, too. Duct cleaning might solve the issue. And if you know the following residents have pet allergies, it’s not a bad investment to make before you leave.

Moving Help

Pet allergies can make the moving process more complicated, especially if you need to clean the space to make it safe for yourself or a new resident. For more information about the benefits of hiring a professional moving team for your next move, request a quote today.


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