5 Steps to Pack Outdoor Items for a Move

When contemplating a move, certain items stand out as incredibly awkward. Yes, we’re talking about those oddly shaped, large, heavy (and sometimes sharp) items that populate your yard and garage. 

From patio furniture to rakes, grills to lawnmowers, packing outdoor items can pose a challenge. Fortunately, a bit of strategy can help. 

Follow these five steps to pack your outdoor items with ease.

Step 1: Sort and Discard

Start by going through your outdoor gear and determining what you need to pack and what you can give away. Will your new home have space for all of your current stuff?

If you’re downsizing, now is the perfect time to pare down. After all, outdoor items can take up a lot of premium space on a moving truck. Give anything you don’t want to family, friends, or neighbors, or hold a garage sale to raise some extra bucks for the move. 

Go through your garage or shed and get rid of any hazardous materials that you can’t take with you on the move. For instance, you can’t take the charcoal that goes with your grill or the propane that goes with your firepit. Fuel, batteries, pool chemicals, paint thinner, and other flammable, explosive, or corrosive substances are also a no-go. 

Step 2: Clean and Disassemble

Now that you’ve decided what you’ll take with you take the time to give it all a good cleaning. Items that live outside tend to get a bit grimy, and you don’t want to bring dust and debris into the moving truck. 

Next, disassemble as many items as possible. Often, you can break down tables, benches, chairs, and other outdoor furniture. Keep the screws and parts in a plastic bag, and securely tape the bag to the item to keep it all together. 

Step 3: Gather Packing Materials

Using the appropriate packing materials will make the moving process just that much smoother while protecting your items. You’ll want to gather:

  • Bubble or Styrofoam wrap
  • Moving blankets or old towels
  • Packing paper or newspaper
  • Strong tape
  • Sturdy cardboard boxes
  • Plastic wrap

Step 4: Packing Your Outdoor Items

Here comes the fun part: Carefully packing your outdoor items. The following strategies will help:

  • Long-handled yard tools, such as shovels and rakes: Bundle together and secure with rope or tape
  • Small tools: wrap in newspaper or bubble wrap and pack securely in small boxes
  • Sheds and playground equipment: Dismantle, keep parts together, and bundle
  • Lawnmower and other gas-powered equipment: Drain all fuel and clean thoroughly; wrap in plastic
  • Grills: Remove charcoal and propane tanks, and clean thoroughly before wrapping in plastic
  • Lawn furniture: After cleaning and disassembling, bundle parts together and tape or plastic wrap
  • Hoses: Drain all water, coil the hose, and place it in a box
  • Pots and planters: Remove live plants and dirt before wrapping in blankets or bubble wrap
  • Patio umbrellas: Clean and dry the umbrella before securing it shut and covering it with plastic; empty the weighted stand if full of water

Step 5: Moving Outdoor Items

Clearly label any boxed outdoor items with their destination, such as “Garage” or “Back Yard Shed.” You — and your movers — will appreciate this step when you arrive in your new home.

Moving outdoor items requires a bit of extra thought and care. For instance, outdoor wicker furniture may be light, but it’s fragile and easily damaged. Other items may be oversize or oddly shaped, making it difficult to stack other items on or around. 


Moving Made Easy

Take the time to pack, clean, and label correctly, and you’ll eliminate stress from your move. Make your move even easier — secure a professional mover. Contact us for a free quote today.


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