Over thirty William B. Meyer, Inc. employees attended the 6th Annual Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Cycle of Life event on June 2, 2013 at St. Joseph’s College in West Hartford, CT. The carnival-themed event provides pediatric cancer survivors, patients, and their families a fun way to reconnect with their supporters and caregivers. William B. Meyer underwrites a portion of the event, and is a Constellation Sponsor every year. Aside from financial support, William B. Meyer, Inc. employees volunteer and help with logistical needs, game and activity staffing at the event.
Among the many employees volunteering at the event was Patty Guarnieri, Customer Service representative for William B. Meyer, Inc.’s Household Goods Division. She and her family staffed the food station, grilling two thousand hot dogs and hamburgers and serving fruit, salad and chips to all of the attendants. Guarnieri, a veteran volunteer, has been staffing the event for five years. She states, “My husband and I do this every year. I love it. I love seeing all the cancer survivors with a bright smile on their face. It gives me perspective, and reminds me how fortunate I am that no matter what, my day isn’t actually all that bad.” The Cycle of Life event grew out of the idea to create a pediatric survivorship program to help children reclaim their childhoods. In reality Cycle of Life allows the community to thank the children for being such an inspiration.
This event drew close to 500 attendees, of which approximately 86 were cancer survivors. To be able to fund it, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Foundation relies solely on the donations of individuals and constellation level sponsors. Caitlin Gadecki, Event Manager at the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Foundation, runs the logistics for the event including coordinating with the volunteer groups. She states how valued William B. Meyer is as a partner, “William B. Meyer, Inc., is an exceptional community partner for Connecticut Children’s Medical Center and the Cycle of Life Pediatric Cancer Survivorship Celebration. The dedication of its employees and executive management to every aspect of this unique celebration has greatly contributed to its success today. Connecticut Children’s Medical Center is grateful for William B. Meyer Inc.’s generosity of time, funds, and services.”
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